• Author: clubby789
  • Date:
1$ ./chall  
2enter password: zh3r0{xxxxxx...}  
3search complete  
4$ # :)


We receive a trace of the execution of an executable. From the description, we can assume this is the chall binary that was executed, and the flag entered. It begins like this:

0x401000 : call 0x401068
0x401068 : mov eax, 0x1
0x40106d : mov rdi, rax
0x401070 : lea rsi, ptr [0x4028d0]
0x401078 : mov edx, 0x10
0x40107d : syscall
0x40107f : call 0x401005
0x401005 : push rbp
0x401006 : mov rbp, rsp
0x401009 : xor rax, rax
0x40100c : xor rdi, rdi
0x40100f : lea rsi, ptr [0x402808]

The file is 181888 lines long, so we’re not going to be able to manually read through. To aid our understanding of the binary, we first began by painstakingly modifying the assembly in order to re-assemble the program into shellcode. This would allow us to view cross references and understand the flow.


After a lot of trial-and-error, we settled on this script:

 1from keystone import *
 2import ctypes
 4f = open('./trace.txt')
 5data = f.read().splitlines()
 6instr = {int(x.split(' : ')[0], 16):x.split(' : ')[1] for x in data}
 7instr_tup = [(x, instr[x]) for  x in instr.keys()]
 8instr_tup.sort(key = lambda x : x[0])
 9base = instr_tup[0][0]
10print('base address: 0x%x' % base)
12for i in range(len(instr_tup)):
13    if '0x40' in instr_tup[i][1]:
14        target = instr_tup[i][1].index('0x40')
15        temp = instr_tup[i][1][target:target+8]
16        val = int(temp, 16)
17        instr_tup[i] = (instr_tup[i][0], instr_tup[i][1].replace(temp, hex(val-base)))
18    instr_tup[i] = (instr_tup[i][0] - base, instr_tup[i][1])
19for i in instr_tup:
20    print(hex(i[0]) + ' ' +  i[1])
22result = []
23counter = 0
24curr = 0
26ks = Ks(KS_ARCH_X86, KS_MODE_64)
27while counter < 0x200:
28    if curr < len(instr_tup) and instr_tup[curr][0] == counter:
29        instr = instr_tup[curr][1].replace('qword', '')
30        if any(x in instr for x in ['jmp', 'jnz', 'jz']): # relative short jump
31            dist = int(instr[(instr.index('0x')):], 16) - instr_tup[curr][0]
32            if dist > 0x80:
33                instr = instr[:instr.index('0x')] + hex(ctypes.c_byte(dist).value)
34            else:
35                instr = instr[:instr.index('0x')] + '+' + hex(dist)
36        if 'call' in instr and 'syscall' not in instr: # relative call
37            dist = int(instr[(instr.index('0x')):], 16) - instr_tup[curr][0]
38            instr = instr[:instr.index('0x')] + hex(ctypes.c_int(dist).value)
39        if ('mov' in instr or 'lea' in instr) and ('[' in instr and ']' in instr) and not ('+' in instr or '-' in instr): # relative data loads, gdb displays as absolute
40            offset = int(instr[instr.index('[')+1: instr.index(']')].split('0x')[1], 16)
41            offset -= instr_tup[curr][0]
42            instr = instr.replace(hex(offset + instr_tup[curr][0]), hex(offset))
43        if not any(x in instr for x in ['qword', 'dword', 'word', 'byte']):
44            instr = instr.replace('ptr', '')
45        print(instr)
46        code, count = ks.asm(instr)
47        result.append((counter, bytes(bytearray(code)), instr_tup[curr][1]))
48        counter += len(code)
49        curr += 1
50    else:
51        result.append((counter, b'\x90', 'nop'))
52        counter += 1
54for i in result:
55    print(hex(i[0]), i[1], i[2])
57f = open('binary', 'wb')
58for i in result:
59    f.write(i[1])
61f.write(b'\x00' * 0x2000)


We then loaded the generated shellcode into Binary Ninja, and receive this decompilation:

 100000000  int64_t _start()
 300000000      sub_68()
 400000000      return sub_5() __tailcall
 700000005  int64_t sub_5()
 900000022      return syscall(0, &data_1808, 0x64)
1200000023  int64_t sub_23()
1400000053      int64_t rax
1500000053      int64_t rdx
1600000053      rdx:rax = 0
1700000056      data_1000 = 0
180000005e      return rax
210000005f  int64_t sub_5f(int64_t arg1)
230000005f      data_1000 = arg1
2600000068  int64_t sub_68()
280000007d      syscall(1, &data_18d0, 0x10)
290000007f      sub_5()
3000000089      sub_5f(0x41424344)
310000008e      int64_t rcx = 0x800
3200000093      void* r15 = nullptr
3300000099      for (; rcx != 0; rcx = rcx - 1)
34000000a2          *(r15 + 0x1008) = sub_23()
35000000a9          r15 = r15 + 1
36000000b1      void* rsi = nullptr
37000000b6      char rdi
38000000b6      while (true)
39000000b6          rdi = *(rsi + 0x1808)
40000000bd          void* rax_2 = sub_106(rdi)
41000000c6          if (rax_2 == -1)
42000000c6              break
43000000c8          *(rsi + 0x186c) = rax_2.b
44000000ce          rsi = rsi + 1
45000000ec          if (rsi.b == 0x64)
46000000ec              syscall(1, &data_18e1, 0x10, rcx)
47000000f8              rdi = syscall(0)
48000000f8              break
4900000105      return sub_106(rdi) __tailcall
5200000106  void* sub_106(char arg1)
540000010d      void* rdx = nullptr
5500000110      char rax
5600000110      do
5700000110          rax = *(rdx + 0x1008)
5800000116          rdx = rdx + 1
5900000200          if (rdx == 0x7ff)
6000000200              trap(0xd)
6100000200      while (rax != arg1)
6200000130      return rdx - 1

_start() - calls the entrypoint

sub_5() - Reads 0x64 bytes into 0x1808 - this is the flag

sub_23- Due to typing errors, the decompiler has eliminated most of the code here. The disassembly:

 100000023  488b0ddd0f0000     mov     rcx, qword [rel data_1000]
 20000002a  90                 nop     
 30000002b  4889ca             mov     rdx, rcx
 40000002e  48c1ea0c           shr     rdx, 0xc
 500000032  4831d1             xor     rcx, rdx
 600000035  4889ca             mov     rdx, rcx
 700000038  48c1e219           shl     rdx, 0x19
 80000003c  4831d1             xor     rcx, rdx
 90000003f  4889ca             mov     rdx, rcx
1000000042  48c1ea1b           shr     rdx, 0x1b
1100000046  4831d1             xor     rcx, rdx
1200000049  48b81ddd6c4f91f4mov     rax, 0x2545f4914f6cdd1d
1300000053  48f7e1             mul     rcx  {0x0}
1400000056  48890da30f0000     mov     qword [rel data_1000], rcx  {0x0}
150000005d  90                 nop     
160000005e  c3                 retn     {__return_addr}

The nature of this function suggested a PRNG function to me. The value at 0x1000 is loaded, then passed through a series of shifts and XORs, before it is saved back to 0x1000, then multiplied by a large constant and returned.

sub5f(arg) - Sets the value at 0x1000 to arg

sub_68() - The main body, begins by writing out 0x10 bytes (likely the enter password: message seen in the description).

The PRNG is then seeded with 0x41424344, and a loop is iterated over 0x800 times:

1int i = 0;
2int j = 0x800;
3for (; j > 0; j--) {
4    arr[i] = sub_23();
5    i++;

The array at 0x1008 is filled with a series of predictable random numbers. Finally, we iterate over each character of the flag, and call sub_106() on it. After 0x64 characters, the final message is printed. So, what is sub_106()? It essentially finds a byte in an array - in this case, it finds each char of the flag within the array of random bytes. As this iterates over each position of the array, we are able to trace the number of array iterations, which will allow us to find the position of each flag character in the random byte array. We’re ready to implement a solver.


 1# Lots of '& 0xffffffffffffffff' to simulate a 64 bit integer in Python
 2class State:
 3    def __init__(self, seed):
 4        self.state = seed & 0xffffffffffffffff
 5    def next(self):
 6        rcx = self.state
 7        rdx = rcx
 8        rdx = rdx >> 0xc
 9        rcx = rcx ^ rdx
10        rdx = rcx
11        rdx = rdx << 0x19
12        rdx = rdx & 0xffffffffffffffff
13        rcx = rcx ^ rdx
14        rcx &= 0xffffffffffffffff
15        rdx = rcx
16        rdx = rdx >> 0x1b
17        rcx = rcx ^ rdx
18        rcx &= 0xffffffffffffffff
19        rax = 0x2545f4914f6cdd1d
20        result = rax* rcx
21        rdx = result >> 64
22        rax = result & 0xffffffffffffffff
23        self.state = rcx
24        return rax & 0xff
26inp = [0 for _ in range(0x64)]
27s = State(0x41424344)
28# Seed our random number array
29values = [s.next() for _ in range(0x800)]
31with open('trace.txt', 'r') as f:
32    lines = f.read().split('\n')
34count = 0
35for line in lines:
36    addr, ins = line.split(' : ')
37    addr = int(addr, 16)
38    if addr == 0x401116:
39        # Where the binary increments the loop counter
40        count += 1
41    if addr == 0x401126:
42        # Where the function returns, i.e. the char has been found
43        print(f"{chr(values[count-1])}", end='')
44        count = 0

We simply count the number of iterations from entering the function to leaving it, and print that char within the random byte array - this gives us the flag: zh3r0{d1d_y0u_enjoyed_r3v3rs1ng_w1th0ut_b1n4ry_?}